Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Brand By Any Other Name - Douglas Rushkoff redoing post

In the article, A Brand By Any Other Name, the author, Rushkoff is analyzing
how a brand name ca influence people. In his first line, he talks about meeting
a young boy at a sports superstore, noticed how the thirteen year old selected
footwear and explained the boy's dilemma, between "Nike" and "Airwalk"shoes.
The author show how marketers spend milllions trying to identify children's
predilections, which means he is paralyzed in the modern youth equivalent of
on existential crisis. He believe the dilemma that a tv show, video game, other
product lines, and computers can create for children. The author tells the story
such as it is, about a boy who must collect little monsters in order to develop his
own character. However, kids feel they can't quite identifiy with the adverstis-
sing , and how much time a children spends on playing games and the compul-
sion to buy things that they don't even want.
Also, older kids between ages 15-24 are involved with brand name clothing be-
cause they believe it promotes a particular image.They admit that the brand is
even cooler than they are. The author points out how much control the radio
have over kids, and the more they interact with brands, the more they brand

After, I read the article I'm in agreement with the author. For many people, un-
less they have a brand name they feel less secure about their lives. The author
points out that wanting a brand name start at the very early age, the young boy
at the sport store was concern which brand was going to make him a better pla-
yer. The companies use the study of anthropology to learn the emotional needs
and behaviors of young people. Also, Rushkoff made clear that things seem to ha-
ve gotten worse, ironically, this is because marketing had gotten so much better.
In my opinion he made strong points that shows the brand have the power over
people to tell who you are. They know how to manipulate everyone to make the
point for someone to feel better about themselves by having expensive things.
Moreover kids are being pulled to expensive purchases that is really difficult for
families to deal with . However the weakness of the article is that the author did
not point out that family can influence strongly children by setting limits on what
they buy or want.

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