Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Can Television Violence Influence Behavior? Blog 5

There are two sides or points of view regarding
violence on television and children. The first
show how television can affect children and
Scientists have researched many reasons against
the programs on television. They said that it leads
to aggressive behavior and creates psycholigal
affects on children such as they become less
bathered by violence in general, less sensitive to
pain, suffering of others, and less likely to see
anything wrong with it. It may affect their behavior
at school. Kids tend to show a higher level of aggressive
behavior when they become teenagers. According to
Dr.Eron the ones who have watched a lot of television
are likely to be arrested and prosecuted for criminal
acts as adults.
They also point out how parents have power to influence
that behavior, they believe if parents limit the number of
hours children watch television, it may reduce the amount
of aggression, encourage children to spend their time on
sports, hobbies or friends. Parents also should discuss any
program that they consider to be violent and encourage
their children to watch programs that show people helping,
caring and cooperating.
The second opinion doesn't believe that television has to
be blamed. They believe that parents need to take more
responsability for what their children are watching, also
many adults like violence, and of course others dislike it.
A most important issue is where children are living a house
where there is violence such as beatings, rape or parental
addictions. Television violence has a small effect compared
to the real behavior that they experience in their lives.
There are many cases involving violent kids with dads in
jail for assault, others molested by mom's boyfriend, also
living in a home where there is smoking, alcohol, drugs, and
domestic abuse. Before we blame television or kids behavior,
we need to take look at adults behavior. Millions of children
and teenagers witness real violence in their homes.
Again with all this background television takes the center
stage. Television is not the problem in our society.

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