Friday, February 22, 2008

Can Television Violence Infuence Behavior?

Blog 5

Hate Violence? Turn it off!

Are Americans becoming just as concerned about violence on television as they are about sex? Author Tim Goodman, a television and media critic for the San Fransisco Chronicle believes this is exactly what is happening. In years past he explains, sexual images have been banned from television while violence has been shown on a daily basis. Mr. Goodman claims that Hollywood has been blamed for the downfall of the nation's morals and a scapegoat for parent's poor parenting skills. Mike Males, an author of several media books, states that there is no
proof that children are influenced by what they see on television. He states that Mothers Against Drunk Driving accuse certain beer commercials featuring frogs are geared towards teens and may influence them into drinking. However, an in depth survey by USA Today found that while teens found these ads amusing, they did not consume alcohol as a result of watching them. Mr. Males writes that youths learn behaviors from their parents, not television. He feels that kids are taking the blame for being violent when it is actually the parents who are at fault. Tim Goodman writes that parents need to "vote with their remote" (Goodman, page 258) and stop ruining television for everyone. Parents have pressured elected officials into taking action and as a result a ratings system is in place as well as V-Chip which shifts parental responsibility to the government he claims. Mr. Goodman writes that this sort of censoring is a violation of the first amendment right, freedom of speech. Embrace freedom by changing the channel if its not deemed appropriate, he suggests.

These writers urge the public to reclaim their first amendment right, the right to free speech. They feel it has been proven in various surveys that television does not influence the young and that parents should be held responsible for setting a good example and monitoring what they watch on television. The term "vote with your remote" means to change the channel or turn the television off. The media and television is often to blame when the behaviors of the parents and elders are overlooked. They make a very compelling point with surveys showing kids model their behaviors after their parents. If television and the media are to blame for violence among teens, then it is the parents who are to blame for not monitoring their viewing. There are many people who enjoy shows that portray violence realistically and do not want censorship to ruin their viewing pleasure. These authors are successful in reminding the reader that the first amendment has gotten lost in todays society.

Goodman, Tim. "Hate Violence? Turn it Off."
Goshgarian, Gary.What Matters in America.
New York: Pearson Education Inc., 2007. 257-260.

Males, Mike. "Stop Blaming Kids and TV."
Goshgarian, Gary. What Matters in America.
New York: Pearson Education Inc., 2007. 267-271.

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