Friday, May 2, 2008

Blog 13 Amanda Whitehead

When I first saw that the assignment was to take a personality test, I was a little skeptical. I did not see how answering a few questions could show who someone is as a person. Upon completing the test, I found that I am an ISFP. After reading the description of an ISFP I was a little discouraged. It started out by describing this type of person as someone who hears a different drummer.It went on to say this person could be considered a trend setter.It suggested careers such as fashion design and interior design. I was very puzzled.I do not feel that I have artistic bone in my body.

After some thought I decided to take the test again. This time I paid specific attention to the questions. After changing a few answers, the results showed I am ISFJ. This type classified me as a person who's life is centered around family. Also as person who has such a desire to serve others, she can often be taken advantage of. The career suggestions for this category are early childhood education and nursing. I was very pleased with these results. I think it described my personality very well.

This experience taught me a lot about personality types. It showed how a slight change to certain aspects personality can effect a person's career path. And even more importantly, how personality can effect how someone is viewed as a person.

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