Thursday, May 8, 2008

Blog 14 - Megan Gillespie

For the last two years I have worked with the youth group at my church, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Prior to coming to Cape Cod Community College, I spent four years working in the beauty industry. After taking a few classes I realized that my hopes for myself went beyond what the beauty industry could offer in terms of career fulfillment. I realized through working with the youth of the community that I want the work I do to go beyond the superficial layers, to the spiritual aspect of humanity. I researched careers that are related to spirituality and decided that becoming a minister suits me and my interests. It is a career that revolves around social interaction, as well as offering support, knowledge, and spiritual guidance to those in the community. This would allow me ability to inspire and share with those around me as well as being able to make a positive difference in the world. Personally, I think the youth need to be more involved in the community so my focus may be on religious education or youth ministry. During research, a recurring warning was that it is an extremely involved career. It requires offering much of your time to the community, leaving little time for one’s family and free time. I believe that the rewards would far out weigh the costs. Even if my family members were all atheists, I would still expect them to be able to understand the importance of a sense of community and would hope they would choose to be involved as well. I’m glad to have done this research, it helped me to see that I am finally ready to take on this challenge. First, I need to get over that fear of public speaking!

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