Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blog 14- careers, Emalee Ellis

In terms of careers I would like to think I have finally found one that would fit myself, not one that other people have chosen for me. Physical Therapy fits all the needs that I have for a job. I want a job in which I get to teach, help and care for people. I already know that I like working in pools and putting aquatics into workouts. I know as well that I want a place to work that the staff gets along, in Physical Therapy there is no race to the finish, a person can not walk in one day go through one session and walk out cured.
Therapy is a process, sometimes a long process to the road to recovery, from accident to rehabilitation. While looking on the U. S. Department of Labor web site I found that all physical therapists need to have a masters in physical therapy, while being certified by the state they are working in. The range that a therapist can make is from 46,510 to 94,810 dollars a year. Looking at the statistics to see what section of therapy pays more is home health care services. That would mean traveling to a patient not the traditional them coming to an office.

The job had the potential to be done in a large hospital or in a small treatment center, like the one that happens to be at the gym that I work at. There is a whole range of possibilities for physical therapy. As sad as it may seem, a physical therapist will not be out of a job any time soon, there are always sports injuries and adults getting older an injured do to age.

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