Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why voting is important

Voting is the essence of our country. The officials that are elected make very important decisions in our lives. Healthcare, government salaries, minimum wage, drinking age, taxes, war efforts, equality issues are just some of the decisions that are made by the officials that are voted into office. Voting is the key to having our views heard, whether or not the outcome is what we hoped for. For many societies around the world, the right to vote is not made available to the public, especially women. It is a priviledge to be able to exercise this right in a fair, confidential process without fear of retaliation. In some countries women have to walk for miles in secret to cast one vote, risking their lives to do so. It is a right that is sometimes taken for granted. We must use every tool available to us to make our opinions heard. In the United states, women were granted the right to vote in 1920 following a women's right movement. Although African Americans were allowed to vote beginning in 1789, it wasn't until the Civil Rights movement in the 1960's that they could vote without the stipulations and fear that existed previously. Their struggles were for their right, and our right to vote. Voting is our right and one that needs to be exercised by everyone if we are to be a truly democratic society.

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