Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Right of The People"

The Declaration of Independence states that "whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government." Reading these words as a freshman in college, I realized how important voting is to this society. We are a relatively young nation, we still have a lot to learn. The coming elections show that we are still growing intellectually as a nation. We are realizing (regardless of political standing) that a black man and a woman are just as capable as any white man is at running this great nation. Even if a white man becomes president, as they have for over 200 years, the point remains the same. We need to continue to be open to change. We have a choice in the way we live. Maybe there isn't much we can do this very second, but we can always work toward something better. With every vote that's made one more voice IS being heard. If this voice gets loud enough a chain reaction occurs. Hopefully, even if there is turmoil we come out on top. The hard part of that is patience. Change doesn't happen overnight. But I believe, as did our 'Founding Fathers', that it is my right as a human being to create it.

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